Midwest Agricultural Law2022-09-23T12:31:55-05:00

Midwest Agricultural Law

25Oct, 2021

Does It Come Furnished: Are Center Pivots Fixtures or Real Property?

By |October 25th, 2021|Categories: Agriculture, Farm Management, Midwest Agricultural Law|Tags: , , |0 Comments

  Central pivot irrigation systems are vitally important in Nebraska.  Not only is Nebraska the most irrigated state in the U.S., it is also the largest producer/user of center pivot systems in the world.[1] For Nebraska farmers and legal practitioners alike, it may be important to understand how center pivot [...]

6Jul, 2021

Iowa Supreme Court Values Closely Held Farm Corps

By |July 6th, 2021|Categories: Farm Management, Latest News, Midwest Agricultural Law|2 Comments

A recent case issued by the Iowa Supreme Court addressed the “fair value” of stock in a closely held farm corporation buyout. In Guge v. Kassel Enterprises, No. 19-2151 (Iowa Sup. Ct June 18, 2021), the Court provided clarity for determining what factors Iowa courts consider in calculating the “fair [...]

26May, 2021

Murphy’s Law: 5 Reasons to Insist on Written Custom Farming Contract

By |May 26th, 2021|Categories: Contract, Farm Management, Midwest Agricultural Law|Tags: |1 Comment

  VS.      Custom farming agreements seem pretty straightforward and simple.  Landowner asks Custom Operator to till the field, apply the inputs, plant and harvest the crop or cut and bale the hay.  Custom Operator sets a price.  Landowner and Custom Operator shake hands.  Deal is done, right?  Yes, [...]

22Mar, 2021

Vacating Crop Insurance Arbitration Ruling: Is it 3 Months or 1 Year?

By |March 22nd, 2021|Categories: Arbitration, Crop Insurance, Midwest Agricultural Law|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments

Which is it? Admittedly I keep going back to the well.  Maybe it is because the rules and procedure for arbitrating a crop insurance claim are too complicated.  Or maybe it is a dead horse and I need to get past feeling the Nebraska Supreme Court improperly ruled [...]

23Feb, 2021

Modern Day Cattle Rustling: A New Remedy Under the P&S Act

By |February 23rd, 2021|Categories: Government Regulations, Midwest Agricultural Law|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

It's tough to reclaim cattle once they get to the feedlot While we are no longer living in the days of the Wild West, livestock dealers continue to face theft—particularly, in sales transactions gone wrong.  Unfortunately, common remedies generally are inadequate to recover the full amount lost.  In [...]

29Jan, 2021

Time to Collect: Missouri River Landowners Get Win Against Corps of Engineers

By |January 29th, 2021|Categories: Midwest Agricultural Law|0 Comments

  In a multi-phase litigation, the United States Court of Federal Claims in Washington, D.C. recently entered its trial order against the United States Army Corps of Engineers.  The December 14, 2020 order found the plaintiff landowners were collectively entitled to damages for certain losses. Back in 2018, the Court [...]

About the Blog

The best way to gain insight into a person is to walk in their shoes. Having grown up on a farm in Iowa, attorney Sean Minahan has walked in the shoes of those in the farming industry, which is why he feels at home in the field—of agricultural law. His blog, the Midwest Agricultural Law Guide, was created to offer legal discussion and encourage the use of social media in the agricultural industry.


Sean A. Minahan

Editor and Author

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