Midwest Agricultural Law2022-09-23T12:31:55-05:00

Midwest Agricultural Law

26Jun, 2024

Mitigating Pesticide Drift Damage Through Crop Insurance

By |June 26th, 2024|Categories: Agriculture, Latest News, Midwest Agricultural Law|0 Comments

Despite all the technological improvements and increased regulations, pesticide application is not always perfect. Pesticide drift, aka off-target application, aka chemical trespass, resulting in crop damage and yield loss continues to create claims and litigation between neighbors. In many cases, proving whether a chemical trespass may be straightforward. However, proving [...]

19Apr, 2024

Taking An Insurance “Award” at Face Value: When A Producer Stood His Ground

By |April 19th, 2024|Categories: Agriculture, Latest News, Midwest Agricultural Law|0 Comments

Recently, we handled a denial of insurance claim on behalf of a Nebraska Producer who experienced abnormally low yields as a result of an unprecedented drought.  The Producer had a valid Federal Crop Insurance Policy and submitted a claim to his insurance company for the loss, using grain scale tickets, [...]

23Jan, 2024

Joint Ventures: When Helping Out Can Create Legal Issues

By |January 23rd, 2024|Categories: Agriculture, Latest News, Midwest Agricultural Law|0 Comments

In any ag community there is lot of cooperation and partnership between farming operations and the ag industries that service those operations.  Neighbors may loan equipment and labor to put in, maintain, or harvest a crop, while others do the same to care for livestock.  In some cases, an ag [...]

27Jul, 2023

IT’S THE SIMPLE THINGS: Avoiding Default in a National Grain and Feed Assoc. Arbitration

By |July 27th, 2023|Categories: Agriculture, Latest News, Midwest Agricultural Law|0 Comments

While waiting on an arbitration ruling from the National Grain and Feed Association (“NGFA”), I reviewed some of the NGFA's recent decisions.  I was surprised to see how many cases were not decided on the merits, but rather, a party’s failure to simply comply with the NGFA’s rules. Take for [...]

1Feb, 2023

Proposed Legislation Affecting Nebraska Farmers

By |February 1st, 2023|Categories: Agriculture, Government Regulations, Legislation, Midwest Agricultural Law|Tags: , , |0 Comments

Nebraska State Capitol landscape at sunrise   Three bills were submitted to the Nebraska Legislature this month that work to protect Nebraska farmers. LB 662 proposes a change to the Nebraska Right to Farm Act. This Act makes it harder for neighbors to sue farmers over nuisances. This [...]

17Oct, 2022

The Long Arm of the Law: Investigating Crop Insurance Fraud

By |October 17th, 2022|Categories: Agriculture, Criminal Conduct, Crop Insurance, Farm Management, Fraud, Insurance coverage, Latest News, Midwest Agricultural Law|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

The long arms of the USDA Risk Management Agency (RMA) recently caught a Nebraska man for making false statements in the collection of a sizeable crop insurance claim. The end result was a sentence of 16 weekends of jail time, a $100 special assessment, a $30,000 fine and the kicker [...]

About the Blog

The best way to gain insight into a person is to walk in their shoes. Having grown up on a farm in Iowa, attorney Sean Minahan has walked in the shoes of those in the farming industry, which is why he feels at home in the field—of agricultural law. His blog, the Midwest Agricultural Law Guide, was created to offer legal discussion and encourage the use of social media in the agricultural industry.


Sean A. Minahan

Editor and Author

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