Underinsured Motor Coverage Is Not Like An Excess Policy
My Dear Readers: a query. Do you really understand underinsured motorists coverage? If not, you are much like the Williams family. They sought to collect money from their automobile insurer after the death of their daughter in an auto accident caused by Myers. Their insurer denied the claim, even though [...]
Courts Carve Up Absolute Pollution Exclusion Clause
SOME COURTS CONTINUE TO LIBERALLY INTERPRET CLAUSE IN INSURED'S FAVOR Forgive my absence Dear Readers. Certainly you have missed our regular insurance lessons in this blog, yes? Humor me please. I have just come off two big trials since January. One 6 day trial here in Omaha (defense verdict for our client!), [...]
This Has Nothing To Do With Insurance
My daughter's TV show called Teachers is premiering tonight on TV Land at 9:00 CST. The Hollywood Reporter and other TV Critics have given the show an A+. https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/review/teachers-review-965076 Katie O'Brien is the second from the right. She is a writer, producer and star. CHECK IT OUT!!!
Subrogation Variations
My Dear Readers, you must all be wondering whether subrogation can arise in all insurance cases – and if so, how? Those of you who are addicted to the drama of insurance coverage, you know the answers. Don’t be shy. But for the rest of us, a basic primer might [...]
Late Claim Notice Must Be Truly Prejudicial
8TH CIRCUIT REJECTS "GOTCHA" POLICY CLAUSES. In the new case of Century Surety Co. v. Jim Hipner LLC, et al, No. 15-2120 (8th Cir. Nov. 23, 2016) the insurer denied a policyholder's claim due to late notice. The 8th Circuit panel chastised the insurer for its denial, stating that the [...]
Insurance Cheaters Never Prosper
SO SAYS THE 8TH CIRCUIT. A new ruling from the 8th Circuit affirms what we all know to be true: people who exaggerate their insurance claim losses should never be rewarded. But why is this new case interesting to us, Dear Readers? Because the 8th Circuit refused to sever [...]
About the Blog
The Midwest Insurance Law Guide provides legal insight into complex insurance issues – in an inviting and uncomplicated manner. Our goal is to help insurance executives, claims professionals, and attorneys understand how the law interprets policy language.
Anne Marie O’Brien and Mike Storey
Editors and Authors