OSHA has a sweeps week. Who knew? For two weeks during the year, OSHA inspectors blitz Omaha and greater Nebraska work sites to make sure OSHA’s safety programs are being observed. Unfortunately, we don’t know which week OSHA will conduct its sweep.
Darwin Craig, Area Director for OSHA, spoke at the Associated Builders and Contractors lunch meeting this month. Mr. Craig discussed OSHA’s various procedures and emphasis programs. Below are a few highlights.
Workers Compensation Local Emphasis Program (LEP: OSHA’s Area Office is now reviewing the weekly summary of reported injuries and illnesses provided by the Nebraska Workers’ Compensation Court. Employers that report amputations, electric shock, chemical exposure, noise exposure, heat or cold stress will be scheduled for an inspection.
Severe Weather LEP: OSHA is paying special attention to roofers. With this summer’s hail and the new contractors in town, OSHA is making sure the tie-off procedures are being followed.
Access to Property: Contractor’s No Trespassing signs are not an effective tool to keep OSHA off the worksite. OSHA can take pictures from the street. If the contractor on the job tells OSHA they cannot come on site, OSHA will call the general contractor to get access. Nine times out of 10, the upstream contractor will allow access, which will trump any subcontractor’s statement or sign.
In case you were wondering, OSHA takes employee safety very seriously. Knowing that sweeps weeks will be here in the next 10 months, perhaps now is a good time to review your OSHA policies and training .
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