Craig Martin, Construction Attorney, Lamson Dugan & Murray, LLP

Risks on Construction Projects

The latest Engineering News Record had an interesting article on Best Practices  in Construction written by Deron Cowan of Zurich Services Corporation. In the articles, Mr. Cowan emphasizes the importance of best practices and the methodology to develop them.

As Mr. Cowan notes, best practices are intended to eliminate, reduce and manage risks and all construction companies should be fully engaged in correctly executing and accomplishing risk analysis to meet the demands of their practices.

Mr. Cowan sets forth the process to assess and implement risk management:

  • The problem situation must be identified and then analyzed.
  • When the analysis is complete, it leads to determining a potential solution.
  • The solution is then communicated and implemented to the workforce.
  • Follow-up on the best practice to determine whether it was beneficial.

By following a protocol to identify risks and best practices to avoid them, construction companies can reduce the probability and severity of accidents in the workplace.

Authored by Craig Martin, Lamson Dugan and Murray.