LDM attorneys, led by Mark Novotny, Pat Vipond and Cathy Trent-Vilim, recently secured a $33.5 million settlement for a large commercial client in a highly complex and contentiously-litigated matter.  Over the course of the three and a half year suit, LDM successfully defeated three separate motions to dismiss and two motions for summary judgment (which span more than 500 pages of combined briefing and thousands of pages of evidence).  The settlement, reached only weeks before a scheduled six-week federal jury trial, related to investment losses the commercial client suffered while participating in a program operated by the defendants.  The case required the team effort of numerous LDM attorneys, paralegals, and staff members, who analyzed more than 550,000 pages of documents produced by the defendants and reviewed approximately 1.4 million pages of client documents for privilege and responsiveness.